The Embryo Transfer Procedure
Services We Offer
Our Services are offered to clients Nationwide and Internationally. We work with a variety of clients and will not discriminate against racial background, marital status or sexual orientation.
Our agency represents numerous donors and surrogates of all ethnic backgrounds.
After the follicles are aspirated from the Intended Mother or Egg Donor they will be examined and mixed with the intended father or a donors sperm. They are then incubated for 3 - 5 days to allow fertilization to occur.
The gestational surrogate, intended parents and reproductive physician will have a consult to determine the number of embryos to transfer. Then, the embryos will be placed in the surrogates uterus via invitro fertilization as outlined below.
On the morning of the procedure the surrogate will be required to arrive at the clinic approximately one hour prior to the embryo transfer procedure. The clinic will inform you of the date and time the procedure will take place and the time the surrogate should arrive at the clinic. In most situations, the embryo transfer procedure will take place in a sterile, surgical room within the fertility clinic or in a nearby hospital. The process does not cause discomfort and requires no medication or anesthesia. .The transfer process is performed through the vagina using a thin catheter inserted through the cervix to insert the embryos into the uterus. The process usually takes approximately ten-fifteen minutes. Although, surrogates will be required to remain at the clinic for at least one-two hours after the completion of the transfer procedure to rest . Surrogates will be required to rest with activity restrictions for two-three days following the transfer procedure.
*Surrogates are required to have an adult companion accompany them to the embryo transfer procedure and stay with them until they are released by the clinic staff.